My pots are available direct from my Studio, from Galleries and from a number of Fairs at which I have stands each year.
I do not have a showroom as such but visitors are very welcome at the studio to see work that I have in stock. However please phone or email first.
I provide work to galleries either on a short term exhibition basis or as stock for them to carry on a longer term basis. Click here to see a full list of gallery stockists.
Fairs & Exhibitions:
See the Events Page
By Mail Order
The Gallery page shows the principal designs that I am currently making (though you may find additional variations on my stand at Fairs and in the Galleries I supply).
If you are interested in buying any of the designs on the Gallery page, and would like to find out more about what I have in stock, please contact me. As the way the pots are made and fired means that for any given design there will be slight variations in size and colour, I am happy to email images and prices of the actual pieces I have available to help you make a decision.
As a guide, prices (excluding p&p) range from £30-£35 for the small cups, £45 – £50 for the mugs, £65 – £180 for pourers and jugs, £100 – £220 for boxes and jars, £170 – £250 for bottles and £220 – £450 for tea and coffee pots.
Please contact me for details.